Guies , how do we begin to change our course? It's simple. It's so simple you can start tonight.
Now that the confetti has been brushed away and the wedding photographs stored, you might be feeling like the wedding magic is all over. But in fact you are just beginning your romantic journey as husband and wife. Just because you’re married it doesn’t mean you can say goodbye to romance. I believe a lot of relationships fail because we lose sight of ourselves as a couple.
I know life is hectic and we all feel we are being pulled in a dozen different directions at once. But when was the last time you went out, just the two of you and concentrated just on each other?
I bet you a hundred bucks that if you follow the following game plan tonight you'll experience the beginnings of something fresh, new, and exciting in your marriage:

Step 1: Call your better half right now and tell that you're taking her/him out to dinner tonight. Make all the arrangements and make this evening beautiful .
Step 2: Make reservations, arrange babysitting if you have kids, and cancel any previous plans you had on the calendar for tonight.

Step 3: Go out for dinner ( candlelit to make it more romantic ) with your spouse and try giving him/her full attention and feel special.
Step 4: Say "sorry." Tell your spouse you're sorry for ways you've neglected your marriage or failed to take care of and date her/him.
Step 5: Have fun.

Follow this plan, and you're off to a great start. The next step is to start dreaming and planning for how you will continue to date your wife/hubby for the rest of your life.
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